| This examination counts as twenty percent (20%) of your grade. |
| It is an in-class, closed book examination. (But see the "ground rules".) |
| You will be asked to write two (2) essays, each worth ten (10) points). |
| At the start of the examination I will list the "names" of at least three (3) questions from which you must choose two (2). |
| Bring the list of questions (without notes written on it) to the examination for reference. (It will be collected at the end of the examination, but I will return it to you if and when you come by to pick up your examination.) |
| Be sure also to bring a "Blue Book" (available at the bookstore) to the examination. (Enterprising students might bring extra blue books to the exam to sell to desperate students who have forgotten; Altruistic students might bring extra blue books to give to those desperate students.) |
| Your Blue Books will be exchanged before the examination begins, so that you can be assured that your classmates haven't already written answers in their bluebooks--so don't write your names on them yet. |