Editing a File on comp

To edit a file on comp (short for the computer "comp.uark.edu"), use a "Telnet" application to logon on with your comp account with your username and password.

After an intial screen you should get a prompt. It may be a "#" or a "$" or a "%" and may be preceded by something else like "/export/home2/research/jdoe".

Edit using "pico," a unix editor. (Actually you can use another unix editor, such as vi or emacs if you wish, but pico may be easier.)

To start pico type "pico filename.html" the prompt, where "filename" is replaced by the name of the file you want to edit and there is no space between it and the period. (Actually the whole thing is the name of the file, but the ".html" will be at the end of all the files you edit as web files.)

You'll be greeted with an almost empty screen. This is a character editor. Type and backspace to edit. Arrow keys should allow you to move around within the text (but not to the areas of the screen where you have not written). Some control key combinations are shown at the bottom of the screen, but you may want to ignore most of them.

Perhaps you want to type in a file with some HTML tags.

When you are finished editing the file, type ^X (i.e. hold down control and hit x). You'll be asked whether you want to save the file. Press "y" unless you've messed up. Now you should have a file with the name you have given it.

You can type "ls" at the prompt to see a listing of the files you have.

"These materials are not endorsed, approved, sponsored, or provided by or on behalf of the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville."
Richard Lee, rlee@comp.uark.edu, last modified: 10 February 1999