Short Paper Assignments

1. Due Tuesday, January 25, 2000, 10:30 a.m
Explain what W.D. Ross means by "prima facie duties." Explain how Ross's theory accounts for conflict of duty. Explore his theory of prima facie duties by talking through an example.

2. Due Tuesday, February 1, 2000, 10:30 a.m
Carefully explain the argument for the reality of moral dilemmas that Bernard Williams advances in "Ethical Consistency." Critique the argument.

3. Due Tuesday, February 8, 2000, 10:30 a.m
At the end of "Consistency and Realism" Bernard Williams addresses the relationship between views of the reality of genuine dilemmas and moral or ethical realism. Explain the connection he draws. Explore and critique.

4. Due Tuesday, February 15, 2000, 12:30 p.m
Do (a) or (b):
(a) Explain what perplexity secundum quid is according to Donagan. What is it distinguished from? Give (apparent) examples of each. Explain and critically discuss.
(b) Sometimes dilemmas can apparently appear because of conflicting promises. Explain how Donagan, in "Consistency in Rationalist Moral Systems," suggests a moral theory can get around that problem. Critically discuss.

5. Due Tuesday, February 21, 2000, 12:30 p.m
Explain what Ruth Barcan Marcas thinks consistency is in a system of moral prinicples. What implications are there of Marcas's account of consistency for the possibility of moral dilemmas. Critically discuss.

6. Due Tuesday, February 28, 2000, 12:30 p.m
Terrance McConnell in part II of "Moral Dilemmas and Consistency in Ethics" considers several deontic analogues of true and false modal formulae. Explore each deonotic formula (he numbers them from 1' to 6'). Give instances of it and attempt to determine for each formula whether or not it is true. And, if you can explain how "it can be shown that (T1) entails the denial of (PC)" (section I), that would be nice.

7. Due Tuesday, March 14, 2000, 12:30 p.m
Mary Mothersill writes "A genuine is one that, given the right conditions, would appear to be ... appear to be what?" Try to answer Motherhill's question by filling in the blank. Critically discuss.

8. Due Tuesday, March 28, 2000, 12:30 p.m
David Brink in "Moral Conflict and Its Structure" offers a "Recipe for Moral Dilemmas." Explain this recipe and what, if anything is wrong with it. Critically discuss.

9. Due Tuesday, April 4, 2000, 12:30 p.m
David Brink in "Moral Conflict and Its Structure" speaks of "the obligation execution principle" Explain this principle, the argument he uses it in. Is the principle correct? Why or why not? Critically discuss.

10. Due Tuesday, April 11, 2000, 12:30 p.m
Find something interesting to say about moral dilemmas, which hasn't been the topic of a short paper yet, and say it. Make it a philosophically good paper.

11. Due Tuesday, April 18, 2000, 12:30 p.m
Explain Peter Railton's "forum" example and how he uses it in his discussion of moral dilemmas. Critically discuss.

Richard Lee,, last modified: 12 April 2000