
Richard Lee (Office hours)
Course number:
PHIL 5913 (SAFARI number: 03029)
T 3:30 p.m. - 5:50 p.m.
MAIN 325
Graduate standing or permission of the instructor
Brief Description:
This seminar will be a philosophical examination of the general notion of value, which is the common anchor of ethics, aesthetics, and political philosophy. Topics to be covered include the fact/value distinction, the objectivity, subjectivity, or relativity of values, kinds of values, values and points of view, hedonism, and the relationship between values and rationality. We will look at historical thinkers (including Aristotle, Hume, Kant, Bentham, Mill, and Moore) and contemporary views, focusing on the recent book, Value and the Good Life by Thomas Carson.

Other information:

Richard Lee, rlee@comp.uark.edu, last modified: 5 September