Pojman's Ten Principles

Pojman proposes ten objective moral principles, principles universally rationally binding on people.

  1. It is morally wrong to torture people for the fun of it.
  2. Do not kill innocent people.
  3. Do not cause pain or suffering except when a higher duty prescribes it.
  4. Do not commit rape.
  5. Keep your promises and contracts.
  6. Do not deprive another person of his or her freedom.
  7. Do justice, treating equals equally and unequals unequally.
  8. Tell the truth.
  9. Help other people.
  10. Obey just laws.
These are (according to Pojman) prima facie principles, which constitute a "core morality." (IP3 497b)

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Richard Lee, rlee@uark.edu, last modified: 19 September 2004