Schedule of Readings

-- Wisdom & Argument --1/13 -1/24
Pojman, "What Is Philosophy?" pp.2-5
Plato, from Apology pp.7-18
Lee, "Identifying and Formulating Arguments"web
-- God & Faith --1/27 - 2/7
Aquinas, "The Five Ways" pp.49-51
Hume, from Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion pp.73-80
James, "The Will to Believe" pp.111-119
First Examination2/10
-- State & Authority --2/12 - 2/21
Wolff, "In Defense of Anarchism" pp.446-449
Hobbes, from Leviathan pp.451-460
Mill, from On Liberty pp.467-473
-- Reality & Truth --2/24 - 3/7
Berkeley, from Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous pp.162-170
Russell, from The Problems of Philosophy pp.191-195
Second Examination3/10
-- Skepticism & Knowledge --3/12 - 3/31
Descartes, from Meditations on First Philosophy pp.144-149
Descartes, from Meditations on First Philosophy pp.230-233
Hume, "The Origin of Our Ideas and Skepticism about Causal Reasoning"pp.171-179
Third Examination4/2
-- Mind & Self --4/4 - 4/16
Churchland, from Matter and Consciousness pp.254-268
Searle, "Minds, Brains, and Computers" pp.277-284
Parfit & Vesey, "Brain Transplants and Personal Identity: A Dialogue" pp.296-284
-- Life & Happiness --4/18 - 4/28
Epicurus, "Moderate Hedonism" pp.499-504
Mill, from Utilitarianism pp.428-434
Epictetus, from Enchiridion pp.506-514
Fourth Examination4/30
Universal Makeup Examination5/5 or 5/6

This schedule is subject to change.

Richard Lee,, last modified: 2 May 2003