Overall Structure of Parfit's Argument

Division Case: "each half of my brain is to be transplanted into a new body and the two resulting people will both seem to remember the whole of my life, have my character and be psychologically continuous with me in every way." (P 298a)

Q = In the division case, what happens to me?

A = "I'm going to be both the resulting people." (P 298a) [Call this "both."]

B = "I'm ... going to be ... just one of them." (P 298a) [Call this "one."]

C = "I'm going to be neither of them" (P 298b) [Call this "neither."]

1.If there is an answer to Q, then it is either A or B or C.
2.A is not the answer to Q.
3.B is not the answer to Q.
4.C is not the answer to Q.
So, 5.There is no answer to Q.

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Richard Lee, rlee@uark.edu, last modified: 25 November 2002