Men are Equal in Mind (Hobbes P 451a)

"Nature hath made men ... equal, in the faculties of the ... mind..."


  1. letters (i.e., composition, writing)
  2. science
Argument 1:

"prudence, is but experience; which equal time, equally bestows on all men, in those things they equally apply themselves unto."

1.If all men have equal time in life and all men equally apply themselves, then all men are alike in experience.
2.All men have equal time in life and all men equally apply themselves. (implicit premise)
3.All men are alike in experience. (1, 2 MP)
4.Prudence is only experience.
5.All men are alike in prudence. (3, 4 substitution)
6.If all men are alike in prudence, then all men are alike in faculties of mind.
7.All men are alike in faculties of mind. (6, 5 MP)

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Richard Lee,, last modified: 10 February 2003