Evidence: Case 1:
The Believed Fact may Cause the Evidential Fact


1a. Sally believes Bill is at her door because she hears his characteristic knock.

Bill being at the door causes Sally to hear that characteristic knock.

(The believed fact causes the evidential fact.)

evidential factcausal relationbelieved fact
Sally hears the knock <-- causes --< Bill is at the door

1b. Chris believes his car has an oil leak because he sees an oil stain on the driveway.

Chris's car having an oil leak causes Chris to see an oil stain on the driveway.

(The believed fact causes the evidential fact.)

evidential factcausal relationbelieved fact
Chris sees the oil stain <-- causes --< The car has an oil leak

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Richard Lee, rlee@uark.edu, last modified: 14 March 2003