First day of semester: | 8/24 |
First day of class: | 8/24 |
Last day to add or drop with fee adjustment: | 8/28 |
Last day to drop without "W": | 9/4 |
Labor Day holiday (no class): | 9/7 |
Current events journal (preview reading): | 9/21 |
First examination: | 9/28 |
First paper (specific case): | 10/12 |
Second examination: | 10/30 |
Last day to drop course: | 10/30 |
Second paper (general issue): | 11/16 |
Thanksgiving holiday (no class): | 11/26-27 |
Current events journal (final reading): | 11/30 |
Dead Day: | 12/9 |
Third examination, section 1: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon | 12/11 |
Third examination, section 2: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon | 12/14 |