"Given the importance of confidentiality to the practice of psychiatry, it becomes clear the duty to warn imposed by the majority [i.e. Tobriner] will cripple the use and effectiveness of psychiatry. Many people, potentially violent--yet susceptible to treatment--will be deterred from seeking it; those seeking it will be inhibited from making revelations necessary to effective treatment; and forcing the psychiatrist to violate the patient's trust will destroy the interpersonal relationship by which treatment is effected."
Plus another factor: Risk of deprivation of liberty
"By imposing a duty to warn, the majority contributes to the danger to society of violence by the mentally ill and greatly increases the risk of civil commitment--the total deprivation of liberty--of those who should not be confined."
A net increase in violence:
"In short, the majority's duty to warn will not only impair treatment of many who would never become violent but worse, will result in a net increase in violence."