Ethics and the Professions
Autumn 1995

Instructor: Richard Lee
Course number: Philosophy 3103
Section 1: MWF 10:30 a.m. - 11:20 a.m.
Section 2: MWF 11:30 a.m. - 12:20 p.m.
Room: MAIN 327
Brief Description:
This course explores the moral standards, responsibilities, and duties of professionals, such as accountants, architects, engineers, journalists, lawyers, physicians, scientists, and teachers. We will scrutinize the obligations of professionals towards their clients and towards third parties. While we will examine cases that come up in "real life," we will intersperse our study with explorations of common philosophical theories of moral obligation, rights, and justice. Since this is a philosophy course, we will consider various views with an eye toward critical assessment instead of blind acceptance.
Text: Joan C. Callahan, editor, Ethical Issues in Professional Life (Oxford University Press, 1988)

Other information:

Richard Lee,, last modified: 28 August 1995