Contemporary Ethical TheorySpring 1998

Second Examination: Format

This examination counts as twenty percent (20%) of your grade.
It is an in-class, closed book examination. (But see the "ground rules".)
You will be asked to write three (3) essays, each worth seven (7) points, with a maximum possible of twenty (20) points. (Yes, that means that someone who loses one point on just one answer ends up with the same grade as someone who loses no points on any answer.)
At the start of the examination I will list the "names" of at least four (4) questions from which you must choose three (3).
Bring the list of questions (without notes written on it) to the examination for reference. (It will be collected at the end of the examination, but I will return it to you when I return your examination.)
Be sure also to bring a "Blue Book" (available at the bookstore) to the examination. (Enterprising students might bring extra blue books to the exam to sell to desperate students who have forgotten; Altruistic students might bring extra blue books to give to those desperate students.)
Your Blue Books will be exchanged before the examination begins, so that you can be assured that your classmates haven't already written answers in their bluebooks--so don't write your names on them yet.

Richard Lee,, last modified: 23 March 1998