Sending E-Mail Attachments to Richard Lee

Students, Colleagues, and Friends may send documents (e.g. papers for courses) to Richard Lee via e-mail at

These days word processors can often read documents created by other word processors. But the more esoteric your word processor, the less likely mine will be able to read it. The best choice is to use the "save as" option in your word processor and save your file as a "Rich Text Format" (.rtf) file. Almost every modern word processor can read and write files in this format. In giving a name to your document, be aware that other people are sending me documents too. So if you call your document "ethics1.rtf" it is pretty easy for that to get confused with other papers that students are sending me. So consider providing a document name that might be unique in my computer, e.g. some file name that involves your initial.

And if you avoid spaces in the file name, that might help my computer find the file too.

I won't here give a full tutorial on sending attachments with various e-mail programs. But with Eudora it is simple and quick. Look for "Attach file" under the (I think) "Message" menu after opening a new message. Sending attachments from pine (or another unix mail program) when the mail program resides on a different computer (such as "comp") is trickier, since first you have to transfer the file to that computer (I think), and the transfer has to be binary. It can fairly easily be done, but it is a multi-step process. Of course you can always send information as plain text in the body of the e-mail message and not have to worry about file format. If you do that and still want to emphasis, you may surround emphasized works with "*" or "_".

Alternatively (but much less desirably), you could fax papers to me.

Richard Lee,, last modified: 26 March 2002